On Thursday, May 6 at 21:00, ESN IUE and @esnkadirhas have will attend the “Net Workshop”, which will be led by @nike and @onaranlarkulubu . This live webinar aims to facilitate children's access to sports.
First, we learn to cut our old clothes and knit a volleyball net from them. Afterwards, these nets we knit are delivered to schools in need through the @sosyalben Foundation. We will be very happy if you do not leave us alone in this event where we can transform our unused clothes and encourage children to do sports.
We leave the membership link for those who want to join
#nike #ESNIUE #ESNKadirHas #SeCoEvent #WeAreOne #THISisESN #volleyball #activeErasmus #HealthandWellBeingWeek #ErasmusGeneration
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