As every year, the two-week initiative called Social Inclusion Days (SID) is about to be running for this semester as well!
We are glad to announce our Social Inclusion Days Events 
1. Yeşilay “Alcohol Addiction” Seminar.
We are going to have Seminar series with Yeşilay. Our first seminar will be about Alcohol Addiction. We all know how important it is to be aware of our alcohol intake. There is a huge difference between drinking alcohol some time to time and being a alcohol addict so we are going to create awareness about it with this seminar.
2. Making Granola Together on IG live.
Eating healthy is really important especially in these times so we are going to give you a really delicious healthy paleo granola recipe on IG live.
3. Open Talk about “Biase”.
Generally what divide society is Biase that people have towards certain groups, religions, life styles etc. That’s why, to create awareness, we are going to talk about Biase and we will be free to share our own ideas about this topic.
4. Workout Online.
With the new restrictions we will be spending out most of the time at home, so we are going to have a 20-30 min workout to stay more active during these times.
Hope to see you in our events 
#ESNforSocialInclusion #LeaveYourMark #VolunteerOnYourExchange #ESNIUE
27/11/2020 to 06/12/2020
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